Real estate portfolio management
The portfolio strategy merges the asset management that is driven bottom-up and the investment strategy that is developed top-down. It ensures prudent diversification within the direct real estate investments and integration of real estate investments with all assets as a whole.
We believe that the management of a portfolio of properties is equivalent to the management of a portfolio of businesses (a corporate-group structure).
Based on the portfolio strategy, we develop a property strategy for each of these ‘little businesses’, and this strategy forms the framework for the management of assets, transactions and development (see also the product flyers ‚Investment Advisory‘ and ‚Asset Management‘). Our reporting makes it possible to integrate direct real estate investments optimally with your overarching investment reports. We provide all stakeholders with targeted information and make sure that decisions are taken in time.
Lasting, positive results are only possible when analytical, creative and operational processes engage with each other and different disciplines cooperate well with each other.