INREIM Standpunkt – our view on current issues
As an independent real estate investment manager and adviser, INREIM maintains its own viewpoint. With INREIM Standpunkt, our regularly published newsletter, we invite you to sharpen your own viewpoint with a potentially unusual perspective.
24. October 2018
Standpunkt no. 1
When market value trails behind – and leads to the wrong decisions
1. March 2019
Standpunkt no. 2
Indirect real estate investments are costly
16. May 2019
Standpunkt no. 3
Old structures are more economically stable
29. August 2019
Standpunkt no. 4
The real estate market is more efficient than you would think
9. December 2019
Standpunkt no. 5
Property-specific risks dominate market risks
3. June 2020
Standpunkt no. 6
Marvelling, a core skill of successful investors